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Fitness & Wellness

15 minutes to wellness: Boosting workplace productivity and health

The gamified workplace program increases physical activity, improving fitness, mood, and energy in just 15 minutes a day.

15 minutes to wellness: Boosting workplace productivity and health

A simple 15 minutes of exercise could work wonders for employee health (Photo Credit: Getty)


Kamakshi Deshmukh

Updated: 25 Aug 2024 12:06 PM GMT

In the fast-paced world of modern business, where deadlines and workloads often overshadow personal well-being, employers are increasingly recognizing the importance of fostering a healthy work environment.

Wellness initiatives, from lunchtime yoga sessions to organized 'walks and talks,' have become popular strategies for promoting physical activity in the workplace.

Yet, for many employees, the demands of the job leave little time for such activities. Enter the 15 Minute Challenge, a gamified wellness program that is not only simple to implement but also extremely effective.

Recent research conducted by the University of South Australia sheds light on the profound impact of this initiative.

The study involved 11,575 participants across 73 companies in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK, revealing that a short, daily commitment to physical activity can significantly improve overall health and well-being.

The 15-Minute Challenge encourages employees to engage in just 15 minutes of physical activity each day. Despite its brevity, the challenge has proven to be a powerful tool for boosting physical activity levels and enhancing employee health.

Throughout the six-week challenge, participants reported an average increase of 12 minutes in their daily physical activity, amounting to an additional 85 minutes per week.

The median daily exercise duration was 45 minutes, with 95% of participants either meeting or exceeding physical activity guidelines.

Beyond the numbers, the benefits were tangible: participants noted improvements in fitness (14%), energy levels (12%), overall health (8%), sleep quality (8%), and mood (7.1%).

For a country like Australia, where 37% of adults and a staggering 83% of teenagers do not meet the World Health Organization's recommended levels of physical activity, the 15 Minute Challenge represents a crucial intervention.

Dr. Ben Singh, the lead researcher from UniSA, highlights the significant role that even minimal physical activity can play in preventing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

He also emphasizes the mental health benefits, noting reductions in symptoms of depression and anxiety.

The success of the 15-Minute Challenge lies not only in its simplicity but also in its innovative use of gamification.

By incorporating elements of competition and social interaction, the program encourages participants to stay engaged and motivated.

Teams work together to track progress, rank performance, and celebrate achievements, inculcating a sense of camaraderie that extends beyond the workplace.

Another researcher in the study pointed out that these social aspects are key to the program’s effectiveness, as they create an enjoyable and supportive environment that keeps participants committed to their goals.

For employers, the benefits of implementing the 15-Minute Challenge are clear.

Physically active employees are more productive, less stressed, and generally happier. They are also less likely to take sick days, which can lead to reduced absenteeism and increased job satisfaction.

Addressing inactivity is everyone’s responsibility. If an employer can initiate an effective, enjoyable, and cost-effective option to support their employees, it’s a win-win.

As organizations continue to seek ways to support their workforce, this simple yet powerful initiative should be a top priority. After all, investing in employee wellness is not just good for health; it’s good for business.

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